Prayer & Fasting – Day 16

Fasting and God’s Refreshment
Our fasting may be rewarded in the experience not only of spiritual replenishment but also of physical refreshment.
Isaiah 58:6,8,11 -“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen…and your healing will quickly appear…and will strengthen your frame”
“Of fasting I say this: it is right to fast frequently in order to subdue and control the body. For when the stomach is full, the body does not serve for preaching, for praying, for studying or for doing anything else that is good. Under such circumstances God’s Word cannot remain. But one should not fast with a view to meriting something by it as by a good work.” – Martin Luther
Pray: “Father in heaven, as I subdue my flesh and control by appetite today, refresh my spirit, replenishes my soul, heal my wounds and strengthen my will to carry out your desires. I ask this in the strong name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.”